
Mount and blade warband best weapon type
Mount and blade warband best weapon type

Speed rating additionally affects how quickly you can recover from a glancing blow (often referred to as a "poke") and resume usage of your weapon to block or strike. It also affects the weapon's ability to crush through blocks.

mount and blade warband best weapon type

  • Speed rating: Affects attack and block speed as well as weapon speed bonus (how quickly the weapon is moving upon impact and how much bonus damage is added as a result).
  • Additionally, blunt weapons have a chance of knocking a target over depending on the weapon's weight and speed. This makes these weapons the only reliable way to capture Prisoners, since a charging horse doesn't deal enough damage to reliably knockout enemies. These weapons will always knockout the target there is no way to kill a target with blunt damage. Blunt weapons have highest armor penetration and do lower damage against lightly armored targets. Hammers are an example of a typical blunt weapon.
  • "b" (blunt): Damage dealt by some weapons with the swing or the thrust.
  • Piercing weapons have higher armor penetration than cutting weapons without losing as much effectiveness as blunt weapons against lightly armored targets. Some weapons (like some spears) are thrust-only.
  • "p" (pierce): Damage dealt by thrusting the weapon or firing bows and crossbows.
  • These weapons benefit the most from the Power Strike skill due to their inherently higher damage, which can eventually overcome their penalties against heavy armor.
  • "c" (cutting): Cutting weapons often do Bonus Damage against lightly armored targets but significantly lower damage to heavily armored assailants compared to piercing and blunt damage.
  • Some weapons (like scimitars) are swing-only.
  • Damage: Damage dealt swinging the weapon.
  • The weight of the weapon also affects the crush through blocks threshhold of weapons. With the roles reversed, a heavier weapon will not be stunned by a low weight weapon. During this period the person with the low weight weapon can only block a second swing from the heavy attacker. The collision of a high weight weapon with a low weight weapon sometimes results in a "stun" effect where the person carrying the low weight weapon cannot respond with another strike. It also increases the chances of the "stun" effect when you strike an opponent's block.
  • Weight: Affects your overall encumbrance (the speed at which you move on foot and travel).
  • When looted from battle, items will display their base value.
  • Sell price: Without any modifiers, this price is exactly one-tenth of the base value of the item, and one-twentieth of the purchase value from a store.
  • Some weapons can be switched between the different forms of handling by pressing "X" or by equipping or unequipping a shield. A shield cannot be used with all two-handed weapons and some polearms.

    mount and blade warband best weapon type mount and blade warband best weapon type mount and blade warband best weapon type

    Type of handling: Weapons can be wielded one-handed, two-handed, or as a polearm.This may include a single Modifier, indicating improved or reduced stats.

    Mount and blade warband best weapon type